We're better together
As Jesus’ followers, we weren’t designed to do life alone. Relationships are the soil in which seeds of faith grow, and they take intentionality. Sometimes exhilarating, sometimes sharpening, often challenging, Christ-community is essential to our lives.
We'd love to help you get connected! Email us at info@missionchurch.us, call 661.430.0322 or message us on Facebook.

Share your gifts
Mission Church exists in part to empower the ministry calling of every member. Part of our mission is to live out a culture of service in all we do. We encourage everyone to find a place to serve in our church family that connects with their gifts, passions, and availability. Here are some specific areas of need we have right now:
Sunday morning set up and tear down crews
As a mobile church, the team of people who help us set up and tear down on Sunday morning is essential.
Website content management
Tech-saavy? We could use your help in maintaining the content on our website.
Advertising and Graphic design
Use your skills to help us visually get the word out about all that's going on at the church.